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Women either love their butts or hate them. Butts, rumps, derriere, apple bottoms, glutes maximus and fannies- whatever you call it you want it looking plump. So here are some moves to make your jeans and shorts become the ideal piece of clothing with your best accessory- your bum!

1. Standard Barbell Squats: Load the bar onto your shoulders with it resting on the tops of your traps (meaty part between your neck and shoulders). Stand with feet hip width apart, toes should be pointing forward. The movement: shift your weight onto your heels; bend at your hips; push your hips backwards as you squat down. Keep your knees and toes in line with your hips throughout the movement (don’t let your knees wobble or swerve). Lower your hips as low as you can until your thighs are parallel to the floor; the goal is to get your butt as low as your knees. Keeping your back neutral and chest up slowly push your body back to the start position. Don’t lock your knees at any point during this movement. Complete 10 reps for 2-3 sets.

2. Hip Thrusters: start on a stability ball or bench and keep your upper back and head supported. Place a heavier bar (start with 25#) on your hips or place a 25# plate on the tops of your legs. Keeping your lower back in a neutral position, lower your glutes half way to the ground and then back up to top; squeeze your butt the entire time. Do 20 reps for 2-3 sets

3. Deadlift: practice the movement with just a bar first time around (no weights on the bar). Feet position should be shoulder width apart and bar over the top of your foot (around where your shoe is tied). Grab the bar overhand with hands placed outside the knees. Squeeze shoulder blades together throughout the movement. Make sure your butt is higher than your knees. Pull the weight up close to your body with weight shifted back on your heels and butt tight. Stand up straight; lower the bar back down to start position with bar close to your body and shoulder blades squeezed.

4. Clam shells: lie on your side with a band above your knees. Bend your knees and keep your feet behind you with your feet together the whole movement. Keeping your hips directly perpendicular with the floor raise your knee up as far as you can. Do 20 reps followed by 3 pauses- hold each pause for 5 seconds; end with 5 single reps.

5. Kneeling glute kickbacks with resistance band: Get on all fours on a carpet, mat or padded area. Place your hands through the resistance band handles or if there are no handles wrap the band around your hands; place the band around your foot (be careful not to let it spring back and whack you in the fanny!) Extend one leg backwards to full extension and then bring your leg back to start for 10 reps; do a half extension for 10 reps (only bring moving knee to same distance as your kneeling knee and then push all the way backwards); and finish with the full extension for 10 reps.

Incorporate this workout at least once a week and you’ll have everyone singing Flo Rida’s “low” to you. I just got that song in your head didn’t I?

Nourish. Transform. Inspire.


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